Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Knee Sled?

A simple to use mobility and strengthening aid designed to improve overall health of your knee and hip joints.

How do I know the Knee Sled is right for me? (or Why should I use the Knee Sled?)

The Knee Sled is good for anyone who is rehabilitating their knee following injury or surgery. It allows you to safely perform a variety of range of motion and strengthening exercises  in the comfort of your home. Knee Sled is also ideal for senior citizens to use on a daily basis to prolong the health of their natural knee.

How can I use my Knee Sled?

The Knee Sled is easy to use. Please watch the videos contained on this website.

Do I need approval or a written prescription from my doctor in order for me to purchase the Knee Sled?

You do not need a prescription for the Knee Sled. However, if you have a therapist that is helping you rehabilitate following injury or surgery please let them know about the Knee Sled so they know you are using it. Show them the suggested protocols/instruction for use so they know what you are doing at home.

What is included with my Knee Sled?

The Knee Sled comes with a “sliding base”, a rope based system that allows you to move your leg, and two sets of exercise tension bands that allow for initial and advanced strength training sessions.

What surgeries, injuries, etc. is the Knee Sled best used for? (Am I a good candidate for using Knee Sled?)

Knee Sled is good following any knee surgery or injury. It helps optimize recovery efforts. It allows user to achieve proper stretching form. It also allows user to correctly perform important range of motion and strengthening exercises in a safe manner without placing a “load” on the knee.

Is the Knee Sled covered by insurance?


Can I keep using my Knee Sled after I finish Physical Therapy?

Yes. Many continue to use routinely following surgery to help maintain a healthy knee as well as for regularly stretching muscles (i.e. hamstring, calf, buttock, abductor, adductor). 

Is the Knee Sled Easy to Use?

The Knee Sled’s design and easy to use function, provide rehabilitative support to accompany your Physical Therapist’s program or on its own to improve joint stability, healing and range of motion after an injury or surgery. 

When can I use the Knee Sled?

The Knee Sled is perfect for stretching between workouts, after strenuous activities or casual everyday activities.